Popcorn Pulse 221: Death Sex

Imagine it’s the year two thousand. The President rules America as he travels Europe. After twenty plus years, he’s still vital and oversees our national pastime, Death Race 2000(1975). Fan favorite racer , Frankenstein returns to compete once more along with a few newcomers. Who will collect the most points and kill as they race from New York to L.A.? Those of us in the future know the answer but we’d like you to try this with fresh eyes.

Yes, we did the Roger Corman classic Death Race to honor his passing. We figured what better way to pay homage to the man who is responsible for more people being active in Hollywood than any handful of agencies around today. It might be one of his better known movies both from the game tie in that got made, the controversy over the game, and then the Jason Statham lead remake.

Weltall has Sex Lies and Videotape(1989). The title might make this seem like a soft core movie from the early days of Skin-a-max. And if you ever heard the cable movie announcer’s bumper statement that was the next movie, you’d also think that. Instead it’s more about James Spader being an impotent man who can only become aroused by women talking about their sexual fantasies while being recorded. Enter the wife of his friend, Andie Macdowell, who’s upset that her husband is cheating on her.

Tim has Pray TV(1980) because Dabney Coleman passed. The setup sounds like it should be something of a standard cheese-ball comedy. A small local station is failing, Dabney Coleman is brought in, and he decides to make it a religious format channel. This should be a setup to have religious parodies of pop culture. Maybe have a through line where someone learns a lesson or a town comes together. This doesn’t happen, because the people working on this didn’t have a clear picture of what the joke was supposed to be.

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