Episode 491: Seven Deadly Bananyas

Happy Halloween everyone, another episode of Anime Pulse has arrived. Not that it’s a spooky edition or anything, unless you consider Red’s verbal molestation frightening, in which case prepare to cower in fear. We got some news about Ryo’s latest short story and Red’s first play through of a Persona game, followed up by crossdressing cosplay getting a limp thumbs up and expensive smoking for the 2020 olympics. As for reviews, Ryo handles the short but cute Bananya and Red gets all touchy feely with Nanatsu no Taizai.

Show Notes


Intro – “Thriller” by Michael Jackson from Thriller
Outro – “Thriller” by Michael Jackson from Thriller


Bananya – Netflix

Nanatsu no Taizai – Download Now


Idol Rape Threats

Crossplay OKed

Olympic Smoking 

White Underwear


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